Friday, February 5, 2010

Process vs. Personality

Lesson Four - Process Doesn't Hinder Personality, It Enhances It

If you've worked in more than one sales environment you're likely aware that there are generally two kinds of salespeople.

Type "A" has huge results some of the time, and not so much the rest of the time. When type "A" is on their game, the world seems to revolve around their every word, but when they're not, things just don't seem to click.

Type "B" may not be the #1 seller every month in your organization, but they exceed their goals on a consistent basis and seem to do so with much less anxiety than type "A". Type "B" always seems to find a way to adapt to the odd prospect or sales objection, when Type "A" may struggle.

The primary difference between these two types is that type A is the "fly by the seat of their pants" seller, and type B has a plan. It is in this situation that we can answer the question of whether having a set process plays for or against your personality and success.

Please keep in mind that I'm not talking about scripts here. The use of scripting in a sales and Customer service environment has long been the bread and butter of traditionalists, but simply does not hold up as the most effective option. Scripts pigeonhole creative talent, they stifle a person's ability to use their reactive judgment to respond to a Customer.

A process, on the other hand, knows well enough to provide a framework for a conversation with a successful outcome. At the same time it allows a salesperson the ability to work with the ebb and flow of various Customers. No one will argue that every Customer presents a unique scenario, along with a unique personality style. Consistency comes from having a base starting point, or a process. Productive processes breed efficiency, and thus the ability to think quickly when necessary.

No two processes will ever be identical for the same purpose primarily because the human factor, or personality, is exactly what makes the process succeed.

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